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Format Canadian Mailing Addresses

The proper format for a Canadian address is written in block letters, using uppercase letters. The street address is followed by the building number and abbreviated to the city and province. Similarly, the building number is followed by two spaces and the postal code. The country code is written last, so it will be easier for people to find the address. After these details, it's necessary to add the ZIP code and the city and province.

Next, the postal code is written. A Canadian postal code is a six-character alphanumeric string that includes a space between the first three and last three characters. The postal code is also used to determine the delivery address. In this way, mail will arrive at its destination on time. It will also make the sender look professional. To learn more about the correct format for a Canadian address, read this article.

The name of the person is written on the top line of the business envelope. In some cases, the address includes a department or a street address. This is written after the address field. A hyphen is used to separate the address field from the street address. The city and postal code should be separated with a space. Once the city and province are listed, the street address can be followed by the postal code.




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